Linda Newman Boughton

747 1\2 #3 Columbia St. Hudson, NY

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Artist Statement

Something happens to us all in nature. What is it? The mystical love and healing is seemingly invisible yet is so profoundly felt and the beauty… the beauty of trees and grasses, flowers and weeds lifts me and I feel love and a place to speak to angels and my higher self. Clearly there is a vast world of connectivity between the plants and I feel included in that connectivity when I walk open hearted in nature.
My drawings are from photographs I take on my walks. The scale of my drawings has been getting bigger over the years and it gives me this opportunity to explore the roots and tangled shapes of vines in a deeper way. I like showing vibrational energy between the plants I draw to show a more complex reality that exists in nature that is not really visible to the naked eye.

Music is a most important factor in what the lines are doing on the paper as well. The lines are guided by the music I play and the emotion I feel focussing intently on the photograph I am drawing.

I usually leave some part of the drawing in an unfinished state not only to create breathing space but also to not finish something that is alive, organic and ever changing.
[email protected]