Jane Ormerod

253 Cherry Alley, Hudson, NY

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Artist Statement

Chance, fluctuation, intuition, a desire for the unexpected and unidentifiable… As I work, I flip the canvas upside down, switch between horizontal and vertical. I stand on a ladder or on tiptoes, unbalance myself. Finally, the painting finds its own life. Every color and line holding the composition together but with no beginning or end.

Recent group shows include Gallery 40 (Poughkeepsie), Super Secret Projects (Beacon) and Circle 46 Gallery (Hudson), plus artwork and writing in print journals and anthologies such as “Maintenant,” “The Sparring Artists,” and “From Somewhere to Nowhere: The End of the American Dream.” I am a proud recipient of a 2020 NYC Acker Award for my contribution to the avant-garde community.

[email protected]